
Docker runner for federatred webapps

Primary LanguageShell

Federated webapp runner for develop php application in federated environment

Warning: this container under strong development. Be careful!

Configure for local development


docker build -t szabogyula/saml-webapp-runner .


Set resolving Edit your /etc/hosts file in your machine. All hostnames project.local must show to local Docker IP address, which is usually project.local or on Ubuntu 16.04 project.local

You can override the default project.local hostname by environment variable: PROJECT_HOSTNAME


docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 -e PROJECT_HOSTNAME=example.com -v /path/to/webapp_project:/var/www/project szabogyula/saml-webapp-runner

Own logfiles to tailon Provide your interest logfiles into the LOGFILES environment variable, separate with commas:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 -e LOGFILES=/var/www/project/var/logs/dev.log,/var/www/project/var/logs/prod.log -v /path/to/webapp_project:/var/www/project szabogyula/saml-webapp-runner

Run the docker container Run for development (adjust the example hostnames before running!): docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 --add-host project.local: -v /path/to/webapp_project:/var/www/project szabogyula/saml-webapp-runner

Set the DocumentRoot You can set the relative document root instead of web by set DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable.

in case of html directory: ... -e DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www/project/html ...

Access the webapp

  • 80 and 443 port is the application, and there is a tailon at 8080 port

Filebeat If you mount a correct /tmp/filebeat.yml, the filebeat will be start with these configuration.

docker run ... -v /path/to/filebeat.yml:/tmp/filebeat.yml ...



The xdebug is installed into php. You have to set an alias to your ethernet interface ip address.

On Mac: sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

In PHPstorm you should set Preferences > Debug > DBGp proxy

  • host:
  • port: 9000
  • ide key: PHPSTORM

IdP users

The users and his attributes that you can use.

        's:pass' => array(
            'eduPersonPrincipalName' => array('student@project.local'),
            'eduPersonScopedAffiliation' => array('member@project.local', 'student@project.local'),
            'mail' => array('student@project.local'),
            'displayName' => 'Student Student',
            'eduPersonEntitlement' => array('a:permission:a'),

        'e:pass' => array(
            'eduPersonPrincipalName' => array('employee@project.local'),
            'eduPersonScopedAffiliation' => array('member@project.local', 'employee@project.local'),
            'mail' => array('employee@project.local'),
            'displayName' => 'Employee Employee',
            'eduPersonEntitlement' => array('a:permission:b'),
        'snolocal:pass' => array(
            'eduPersonPrincipalName' => array('student@project.nolocal'),
            'eduPersonScopedAffiliation' => array('member@project.nolocal', 'student@project.nolocal'),
            'mail' => array('student@project.nolocal'),
            'displayName' => 'Student Student',
            'eduPersonEntitlement' => array('b:permission:a'),

        'enolocal:pass' => array(
            'eduPersonPrincipalName' => array('employee@project.nolocal'),
            'eduPersonScopedAffiliation' => array('member@project.nolocal', 'employee@project.nolocal'),
            'mail' => array('employee@project.nolocal'),
            'displayName' => 'Employee Employee',
            'eduPersonEntitlement' => array('b:permission:b'),


![architecture][doc/architectire_diagram.png] [doc/architectire_diagram.png]: