- ahelmAtos
- albgarICMAB-CSIC
- chenyongxinRaymind
- CPardi
- DaanVanVugtIgnition Computing
- dariolynxItaly
- ephWashington, DC
- epsySan Fransisco, CA
- fredcoudercCNRS, Toulouse Mathematics Institute
- giacrossi
- hlyang1992
- hokruPending.AI
- hornekyleUniversity of Wisconsin Platteville
- jacobmogic
- jacobwilliamsHouston, Texas, USA
- jacopo-chevallardQuivr
- jgoldfarPacific Time Zone
- lalmeiDECCO
- maxlevesque@Aqemia
- milancurcic@wavesgroup @sustain-lab @cloudruninc @henetwave @fortran-lang
- muellermichelETH Zurich
- onyukimSungkyunkwan University
- pasukaShanghai China
- PierreArchambeauUniversity of Liege
- pletnesSopra Steria
- rjgtorresLisboa, Portugal
- Sbai7Independent Scientist & Engineering Consultant
- scivision
- skbaumHidalgo Trading Company Ltd.
- smhr
- spcoDigital Research Service, University of Nottingham
- szaghiNational Research Council of Italy, IAC Research Institute for applied mathematics "Mauro Picone"
- utkinisETH Zürich
- wesbarnett
- zbeekman@ParaToolsInc
- zmiimzGermany