- a2tm7aNewton School
- abhshkdzFAIR, Meta AI
- andreaskoepfPROVISIO GmbH
- apaszke@google
- AtcoldNYU
- ccurroEstee Lauder, The Cooper Union
- cnheiderMapsPeople A/S
- curiousilyBulgaria
- daokouershanghai
- dasguptarMicrosoft AI and Research
- deshraj@mem0ai
- DmitryUlyanovin3D_io
- eladhoffer
- erfannouryCupertino, CA
- esafakArchipelago AI
- fabiofumarolaDataToKnowledge
- fly51flyPRIS
- jfsantos@NVIDIA
- jubbon
- karandwivedi42New Delhi, India
- lantigaLightning AI
- meetpsMountain View, CA
- mwoodson1Voxel51
- richardhahahahaZKTeco
- soumithMeta
- souravsingh
- srikanth-sfuETS
- SwathiMystery
- tboquet@Mistplay
- tensortalkYou're on!
- vnhwd
- vyraunMicrosoft
- WakeupbuddyUnited States
- yufengmYahoo Research
- yulongwang12Beijing, China