
OCR Engine forSoCal Code Camp 2018

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OCR Engine


  • Protobuffer:
  • gRPC:
  • OCR:
  • Containers:
  • Single Page Application:


  • Tesseract OCR Library
  • GhostScript CGo library to convert PDF to png.
  • Google Protobuffers
  • Go gRPC Server
  • Node Http Server
  • React Singe Page App
  • Docker Container
  • Build Pipeline uses Linux Makefiles. Just a list of targets with shell commads to run.


Takes a document from any source (Web, PDF) and renders it into an image.

To rasterize PDFs, Ghostscript is required.

Ghostscript Installation (Linux):

Git clone Ghostscript source into the parent folder:

git clone git://git.ghostscript.com/ghostpdl.git ghostpdl

Run make to build the source and then make so to build the libraries.


Converts images to text.

###Terreract OCR Engine

Git clone

git clone https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract.git tesseract


Partitions text into boundaries. The result is some kind of document with structure.

GRPC Server

Server/client model for sending documents to be ocr-ed