
Cross-platform Molflow and Synrad sources since version 2.7

Primary LanguageC


A Monte Carlo simulator for Ultra High Vacuum systems

Authors: Marton ADY, Pascal Rene BAEHR, Roberto KERSEVAN, Jean-Luc PONS
Website: https://cern.ch/molflow
Copyright: CERN (2020)
License: GNU GPLv2 or later

Molflow image

Building (CMake)

All operating systems (Windows, Linux and Mac) now have their CMake configuration.

Building (manual)


  • Open molflow_win.sln in the Visual_Studio folder, and use Visual Studio to build the solution.
    Tested with Visual Studio Community 2019.
  • Update: With Visual Studio 2019's CMake support, you can now open the main folder containing CMakeLists.txt (File->Open Folder) and build the project

Linux (Debian)

  • Scripts in the build_linux_debian folder
  • Compile source files with compile_linux_debian.sh and link with link_linux_debian.sh. The resulting binaries are written in bin/linux_debian
    CMakeLists.txt / makefile coming soon.
    See readme.txt for required packages to build.
  • Update: you can now build the project with CMake: run cmake . in the folder containing CMakeLists.txt, then run make. The resulting binaries can be run from the bin folder

Linux (Fedora-based, like Cent OS)

  • Scripts in the build_linux_fedora folder
  • The readme.txt file in this folder contains more info
  • You have to clone and build GCC 8.2 (or later) first.
  • Before building GCC 8, you can configure an install directory (../configure --prefix=$GCC8DIR --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib)
  • The compile scripts expect a GCC installation folder (with bin and lib64 folders), the location should be the default (/usr/bin) or defined by the $GCC8DIR environment variable
  • Compile source files with compile_linux.sh and link with link_linux_fedora.sh. The resulting binaries are written in bin/linux_fedora
  • Update: you can now build the project with CMake: run cmake . in the folder containing CMakeLists.txt, then run make. The resulting binaries can be run from the bin folder


  • Use Homebrew to install build tools, like g++-8, the SDL2 library, libpng, gsl, curl, p7zip
  • The compile and link scripts are in the build_mac folder. The resulting binaries are written in bin/mac
  • Compile source files with compile_mac.sh and link with link_mac.sh. The resulting binaries are written in bin/mac
  • Update: you can now build the project with CMake: run cmake . in the folder containing CMakeLists.txt, then run make. The resulting binaries can be run from the bin folder



Use the shortcut (that changes the working directory and launches molflow.exe) in bin\win\release

Linux (Debian)

  • Install dependencies with the apt package manager, like libsdl2-2.0, gsl-bin, libatlas-base-dev
  • In the bin/linux_debian folder, make molflow and compress executable
  • Run molflow

Detailed instructions here

Linux (Fedora-based, like Cent OS)

  • Make launch_molflow.sh executable
  • Run launch_molflow.sh (It adds the lib folder to the library search path and launches molflow)

Detailed instructions here


  • Use Homebrew to install dependencies, like sdl2, libpng, gsl, gcc
  • In the bin/mac folder, make molflow and compress executable
  • Run molflow

Detailed instructions here

Repository snapshots

Commits are constantly pushed to this primary repo, and some of them might break - temporarily - the build scripts. If you want to fork Molflow, it is recommended that you download a snapshot of a guaranteed-to-work state. Usually these snapshots are made at every public release of Molflow.