
Read the web in O(log n)

Primary LanguageC#


A new way to read the Web...in O(log n)

How to run

  • Install Git, .NET Core 2.2 SDK, and Visual Studio Code
  • Cache your Git credentials in Git for Windows with git config --global credential.helper wincred.
  • Clone with git clone [Clone URL]
  • Run dotnet watch run in MyTree. This will recompile each time any file changes, and then you can reload the page.

Steps that I got done - shouldn't need to do again

  • Install Blazor templates with dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates
  • Create Blazor app with dotnet new blazor -o MyTree
  • Edit .csproj file to include line <Watch Include="**\*.cshtml"/> in <ItemGroup>

misc notes

Newsapi.org key aa789746b4904675801a0e6175b7acf3