Android YOLO real time object detection sample application with Tensorflow mobile.
- 1
Add more feature for Camera Capture
#38 opened by luthfi07 - 0
Unable to find method 'org.gradle.api/Lorg/gradle/api/tasks/TaskInputs;'.
#37 opened by NeighborhoodCoding - 0
Can't Compile it
#36 opened by zsinba - 0
Unable to locate .pb file in custom model
#35 opened by yolo-pothole - 1
- 5
The problem about app‘s interface
#33 opened by kbforever24 - 4
Node Output does not exist in model
#31 opened by Vivek-Thakare - 1
different input size not working
#32 opened by abbaasalif - 16
- 3
- 42
unable to load custom pb "protobuff"
#5 opened by monupurohit - 1
Not getting predictions for custom model.
#27 opened by utkarshrai2 - 0
use new pb file problem.
#29 opened by wtxfrancise - 6
About misjudgment measures
#18 opened by keides2 - 2
How do I convert my yolov3 weights file to .pb?
#22 opened by Yogita98 - 1
#26 opened by IgorGarciaAtutxa - 1
GPU support for android
#25 opened by spaul13 - 2
App crash on the simulator
#24 opened by derek-zr - 0
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Crashing when using yolo v2
#21 opened by Amanpradhan - 2
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Black Screen
#19 opened by chetan1836 - 6
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Change camera source
#10 opened by FilippoVannella - 1
Overlay view is not working in landscape
#17 opened by shruti-techindustan - 1
Accuracy .
#12 opened by SteveIb - 14
#15 opened by mking1011 - 4
LegacyFaceDetectMapper: onFaceDetection - Ignored some incoming faces sinceface detection was disabled
#14 opened by aaronhan92 - 1
PB files is too huge
#13 opened by aaronhan92 - 4
not same checking your image
#11 opened by pdh930105 - 5
Unable to resolve dependency for ':@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1.
#8 opened by nistala - 1
It's support for yolo-v3 ?
#7 opened by popper0912 - 14
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How to train my own dataset?
#4 opened by xuzongping - 4
Cannot run app in API level 23
#1 opened by samiwolf