
Example notebooks for Jupyter platform

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Example notebooks for Jupyter platform

After logging in at jupyterhub... now the UI of jupyterlab welcomes us. The Launcher Tab shows the available notebook formats, etc.

The left-bar makes accessible

  • the filesystem tree,
  • the kernel and terminal management,
  • the git version controlling,
  • the command list,
  • the list of open tabs.

The Logout is available from the Hub menu.

(Obsoleted by jupyterlab UI)

...(or starting your own jupyter-notebook) the browser window shows 3 tabs:

Files Running IPython Clusters
  • Files shows the home directory with a [New>] button in the right-top corner.
  • Running shows the active notebooks and terminals.
  • IPython Clusters shows the started nodes for parallel computations.

Clicking on the [New>] button one can

  • create a new Python or Julia (or ...?) notebook,
  • open a new terminal window on the server,
  • create a simple text file (the syntax highlight scheme can be also chosen at the Language menu),
  • make a new folder in the filesystem.