
A fully `Distributions.jl`-compliant copula package

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


A fully `Distributions.jl`-compliant copula package

Stable Dev
Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Build Status
Aqua QA
License: MIT DOI
ColPrac: Contributor's Guide on Collaborative Practices for Community Packages Code Style: Blue

Copulas.jl brings most standard copula features into native Julia: random number generation, pdf and cdf, fitting, copula-based multivariate distributions through Sklar's theorem, etc. Since copulas are distribution functions, we fully comply with the Distributions.jl API. This complience allows interoperability with other packages based on this API such as, e.g., Turing.jl.

Usually, people that use and work with copulas turn to R, because of the amazing R package copula. While it is still well maintained and regularly updated, the R package copula is a mixture of obscure, heavily optimized C code and more standard R code, which makes it a complicated code base for readability, extensibility, reliability and maintenance.

This is an attempt to provide a very light, fast, reliable and maintainable copula implementation in native Julia. Among others, one of the notable benefits of such a native implementatioon is the floating point type agnosticity, i.e. compatibility with BigFloat, DoubleFloats, MultiFloats and other kind of numbers.

The package revolves around two main types:

  • Copula, an abstract mother type for all the copulas in the package
  • SklarDist, a distribution type that allows construction of a multivariate distribution by specifying the copula and the marginals through Sklar's theorem.

Warning: This is fairly experimental work and our API might change without notice.


] add Copulas


The API contains random number generation, cdf and pdf evaluation, and the fit function from Distributions.jl. A typical use case might look like this:

using Copulas, Distributions, Random
X₁ = Gamma(2,3)
X₂ = Pareto()
X₃ = LogNormal(0,1)
C = ClaytonCopula(3,0.7) # A 3-variate Clayton Copula with θ = 0.7
D = SklarDist(C,(X₁,X₂,X₃)) # The final distribution

# This generates a (3,1000)-sized dataset from the multivariate distribution D
simu = rand(D,1000)

# While the following estimates the parameters of the model from a dataset: = fit(SklarDist{FrankCopula,Tuple{Gamma,Normal,LogNormal}}, simu)
# Increase the number of observations to get a beter fit (or not?)  

Available copula families are:

  • EllipticalCopulas: GaussianCopula and TCopula
  • ArchimedeanCopula: WilliamsonCopula (for any generator), but also ClaytonCopula,FrankCopula, AMHCopula, JoeCopula, GumbelCopula, supporting the full ranges in every dimensions (e.g. ClaytonCopula can be sampled with negative dependence in any dimension, not just d=2).
  • WCopula, IndependentCopula and MCopula, which are Fréchet-Hoeffding bounds,
  • PlackettCopula, see ref?
  • EmpiricalCopula to follow closely a given dataset.

The next ones to be implemented will probably be:

  • Extreme values copulas.
  • Nested archimedeans (for any generators, with automatic nesting conditions checking).
  • Bernstein copula and more general Beta copula as smoothing of the Empirical copula.
  • CheckerboardCopula (and more generally PatchworkCopula)

Adding a new ArchimedeanCopula is very easy. The Clayton implementation is as short as:

struct ClaytonCopula{d,T} <: Copulas.ArchimedeanCopula{d}
ClaytonCopula(d,θ)            = ClaytonCopula{d,typeof(θ)}(θ)     # Constructor
ϕ(C::ClaytonCopula, t)        = (1+sign(C.θ)*t)^(-1/C.θ)          # Generator
ϕ⁻¹(C::ClaytonCopula,t)       = sign(C.θ)*(t^(-C.θ)-1)            # Inverse Generator
τ(C::ClaytonCopula)           = C.θ/(C.θ+2)                       # θ -> τ
τ⁻¹(::Type{ClaytonCopula},τ)  = 2τ/(1-τ)                          # τ -> θ
williamson_dist(C::ClaytonCopula{d,T}) where {d,T} = WilliamsonFromFrailty(Distributions.Gamma(1/C.θ,1),d) # Radial distribution

The Archimedean API is modular:

  • To sample an archimedean, only ϕ is required. Indeed, the williamson_dist has a generic fallback that uses WilliamsonTransforms.jl for any generator. Note however that providing the williamson_dist yourself if you know it will allow sampling to be an order of magnitude faster.
  • To evaluate the cdf and (log-)density in any dimension, only ϕ and ϕ⁻¹ are needed.
  • Currently, to fit the copula τ⁻¹ is needed as we use the inverse tau moment method. But we plan on also implementing inverse rho and MLE (density needed).
  • Note that the generator ϕ follows the convention ϕ(0)=1, while others (e.g., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copula_(probability_theory)#Archimedean_copulas) use ϕ⁻¹ as the generator.

Please take a look at the documentation for more details.

Dev Roadmap


  • More documentation and tests for the current implementation.
  • Docs: show how to use the WilliamsonCopula to implement generic archimedeans.
  • Give the user the choice of fitting method via fit(dist,data; method="MLE") or fit(dist,data; method="itau") or fit(dist,data; method="irho").
  • Fitting a generic archimedean with an empirically produced generarator
  • Automatic checking of generator d-monotonicity ? Dunno if it is even possible.

Maybe later:

  • NestedArchimedean, with automatic checking of nesting conditions for generators.
  • Vines?
  • Archimax ?
  • BernsteinCopula and BetaCopula could also be implemented.
  • PatchworkCopula and CheckerboardCopula: could be nice things to have :)
  • Goodness of fits tests ?

Contributions are welcome

If you want to contribute to the package, found a bug in it or simply want to chat, do not hesitate to open an issue on this repo.


  author       = {Oskar Laverny},
  title        = {Copulas.jl: A fully `Distributions.jl`-compliant copula package},
  year         = 2022+,
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.6652672},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6652672}