
[PHP/Symfony Bundle] An extension for Symfony 4.4+, 5.x, and 6.x frameworks. It enhances the framework's dump function with new features. It attaches a new dockable window to the application, which displays debug information collected from all dumps and more.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Release: 1.2.2 | build: 2024.08.26 | PHP: ^7.2.5|^8.0

Supported Versions of Symfony:

4.4+, 5.x, 6.x

Extended Dump Bundle

The Extended Dump Bundle is an extension for the Symfony framework. It enhances the dump function of the framework with new features. It attaches a new dockable window to the application that displays debug information collected from all dumps made using the new method. This centralized view allows quick access to dumped objects, variables, and system-related information. The bundle introduces a new global function, xdump, enabling you to use Extended Dump anywhere in your application code.

How to install

composer require szczyglis/extended-dump-bundle


  • New Configurable Window: Groups dumped objects in an organized manner.
  • New Global Function (xdump): Facilitates quick debugging.
  • Centralized Dumped Objects: Consolidates all dumped objects in one easily accessible place.
  • Comprehensive Information Display: Shows useful debug information such as the current user, request and response objects, variables from $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $_COOKIE, $_ENV, and $_SERVER, as well as information about PHP and its modules. It also includes lists of Doctrine entities and repositories with their properties and methods, parameters, and more.
  • Event Extensibility: Extend functionality using events.
  • Customizable Layout: Modify the appearance using Twig.
  • Fully Configurable: Adjust settings to fit your needs.

How it works

Appearance After Installation

After installation, a small icon will appear in the lower right corner of the page. Clicking this icon will open the debugger window.

trigger _cornerpng

The debug window is divided into three sections:

  • app: This section contains all variables collected using the xdump function.
  • event: Displays debug information added using your own Event Subscriber.
  • system: Shows the most useful and handy system information.


The New xdump Global Function

The extension adds a new global function to the framework called xdump. This function allows you to use Extended Dump from anywhere in your code. It works similarly to the standard dump function, but the debugged objects are collectively sent to the Extended Dump window.

Example of use:

     * @Route("/", name="index")
     * @param Request $request
     * @return Response
    public function index(Request $request)
        $foo1 = 'bar1';
        $foo2 = 'bar2';
        $foo3 = 'bar3';

        xdump($foo1, $foo2, $foo3);

        return $this->render('index.html.twig');

Adding the above code anywhere in the application, whether in controllers or services, will include the app section in the debugger and display the dumped object (or objects) there.

Example of use:

// src/Controller/IndexController.php

namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

 * Class IndexController
 * @package App\Controller
class IndexController extends AbstractController
     * @Route("/", name="index")
     * @param Request $request
     * @return Response
    public function index(Request $request)
        $foo1 = 'bar1';
        $foo2 = 'bar2';

        xdump($foo1, $foo2); // you can put one or multiple arguments

        return $this->render('index.html.twig');

Result of the action:


Extension for Twig

You can use Extended Dump in Twig templates thanks to the included Twig extension. To utilize it in a template, simply use the xdump function within the Twig template:

# templates/template.html.twig

{% set foo = "I'm in Twig!" %}
{% set bar = "I'm in Twig too!" %}

{{ xdump(foo, bar) }} # you can dump multiple objects at once also in Twig

Result of the action:


Extending Extended Dump with EventSubscriber or EventListener

You can enhance the debugger window with your own elements that will be permanently displayed. This allows you to, for example, quickly preview the status of selected objects in the application. To achieve this, create a new EventSubscriber or EventListener and handle the Szczyglis\ExtendedDumpBundle\Event\RenderEvent.

Example of use:

// src/EventSubscriber/CustomDumpSubscriber.php

namespace App\EventSubscriber;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Szczyglis\ExtendedDumpBundle\Event\ExtendedDumpEvents;
use Szczyglis\ExtendedDumpBundle\Event\RenderEvent;

class CustomDumpSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
     * @param RenderEvent $event
    public function onRender(RenderEvent $event)
        $foo = "I want to be dumped every time!";

        $event->add($foo, "I'm Event object");

     * @return array
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            ExtendedDumpEvents::RENDER => 'onRender',

The above code will add a new section to the debugger window, displaying the following elements:


You can add multiple items:

class CustomDumpSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
     * @param RenderEvent $event
    public function onRender(RenderEvent $event)
        $foo1 = "bar1";
        $foo2 = "bar2";

        $event->add($foo1, "Optional label to display");

Customizing Extended Dump

You can fully customize the window's appearance, CSS, and JS by overriding the templates located in ./src/Resources/views within your own templates directory.

Built-in system components

Request / Response Component

This section displays the current Request and Response objects:


Doctrine Component

This section displays a list of all entities used in the application, including the names and types of defined fields, methods from the class of the given Entity, and methods available in the repositories:


Request Variables Component

This section displays the contents of $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, and $_COOKIE:


User Component

This section displays the object representing the currently logged-in user:


Server Component

This section displays useful information about the server, such as the PHP version, the versions of loaded modules, and the contents of $_ENV and $_SERVER:


Parameters Component

This section displays the values of all parameters defined in the application:



In config/packages/extended_dump.yaml, you can define configuration settings and modify how sections are displayed.

The default appearance of extended_dump.yaml:

# config/packages/extended_dump.yaml
  env: [dev] # Array with enabled environments, if empty then only DEV environment will be enabled

    enabled: true # Enable/disable Xdump dockable window
        max_depth: 1 # Var Dumper max depth config value
        max_string_depth: 160 # Var Dumper max max string depth config value
        max_items: -1 # Var Cloner max items config value
        enabled: true # Enable/disable App section
        collapsed: false # Collapse App section at start
        enabled: true # Enable/disable Event section
        collapsed: false # Collapse Event section at start
        enabled: true # Enable/disable System section
        collapsed: false # Collapse System section at start
            request: true # Enable/disable Request dump
            response: true # Enable/disable Response dump
            session: true # Enable/disable Session dump
            get: true # Enable/disable $_GET dump
            post: true # Enable/disable $_POST dump
            cookies: true # Enable/disable Cookies dump
            user: true # Enable/disable User dump
            server: true # Enable/disable Server dump
            doctrine: true # Enable/disable Doctrine dump
            parameters: true # Enable/disable Parameters dump

An example config template is included in the package: ./src/Resources/config/extended_dump.yaml.

Bundle Compatibility

This bundle works with the following versions of the Symfony framework:

Symfony 4.4+:


Symfony 5.x:


Symfony 6.x:



1.0.13 - Published first release. (2022-04-25)

1.0.36 - Added support for multiple arguments in xdump(), moved user debug to the bottom of the debugger window, added version info, added counters for dumped items, and some other features. (2022-04-29)

1.1.8 - Added Doctrine entities and repositories debugger, added parameters dumper, increased configuration options, and made other small improvements. (2022-04-29)

1.2.0 - Added session existence check, added Content Security Policy nonce append. (2023-11-05)

1.2.1 - Added style nonce append. (2023-11-21)

1.2.2 - Improved documentation. (2024-08-26)

Extended Dump is free to use, but if you like it, you can support my work by buying me a coffee ;)



MIT License | 2022 Marcin 'szczyglis' Szczygliński



Contact: szczyglis@protonmail.com