Bookshelf-API in an API for managing bookshelf built with JavaScript Bookshelf-API is a final project submission for the "Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula" course offered by Dicoding in collaboration with DBS Bank in DBS Foundation Coding Camp 2023 program.
The following features are included in the system:
- Users can add a book inside bookshelf.
- Users can get all books based on book's name, book being read, finished book inside bookshelf.
- Users can get book's detail by book's id
- Users can edit a book when it needed
- Users can delete a book if the book exists
To get started with Bookshelf-API, follow the steps below:
Clone this repository and navigate to the project directory.
git clone && cd Bookshelf-API
Install all required dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run start-dev
To test the api, just import
Bookshelf-API Test.postman_collection.json
andBookshelf-API Test.postman_environment.json
into Postman
- Framework Node.js : Hapi v21.3.0
- Nanoid v3.x.x
- Nodemon v2.0.21
- ESLint v8.35.0
- node version : v18.14.1
- npm version : v9.5.0
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to Bookshelf-API, please fork the repository and create a pull request.
Bookshelf-API is open source and available under the MIT License.