Whether you're looking for cool example code to flash into your badge, or an assembler/disassembler to help you do so, you're in the right place!
Back in 2020, when we thought we were going to have a Supercon in Belgrade, Mike Szczys wrote an assembler and disassembler for the first versions of the badge.
While you can input programs directly, comments and a nice provision for subroutines makes life a lot more navigable. Learning to use the assembler is a great next step along your journey.
If you don't have Python installed, you can also run the same assembler in the cloud. (Fluffy!) http://cloud.wd5gnr.com/badgeasm/
We've written a few examples, blinky and otherwise, to help you on your way. But you're going to write your masterwork as well. Save it in a subdirectory prefixed by your handle like "coolHacker1337-super_blinker" with whatever documentation you want to add, and submit a pull request. We'll get it posted here for all to enjoy!
If you've written any computer-side software tools that will help others work with the badge, open up a subdirectory here and shoot us a pull request!
Why would you emulate a badge that you have in your hands? Well, it does make for a faster code, test, code cycle. So far, we have gotten most of the core functionality of the badge working, but buttons and how to think about IO are still a work in progress. Hack away!
If you somehow got here without checking out the badge landing page: http://hackaday.com/badge
And if you haven't seen Voja's own documentation, which is the true owner's manual for the badge: https://hackaday.io/project/182568-badge-for-supercon6-november-2022