Date: 17.1.2015 Author: Matthias Trute <> Major Contributors: Erich Waelde Michael Kalus Leon Maurer Ullrich Hoffmann Karl Lund Enoch Bradford Rodriguez (MSP430 code) License: General Public License (GPL) Version 3 from 2007. See the file LICENSE.txt or This license applies to all files unless a file has some different attribution in it. AmForth is an interactive 16-bit Forth for Atmel ATmega and Texas Instruments MSP430 microcontrollers. It does not need additional hard or software. It works completely on the controller (no cross-compiler). AmForth uses the indirect threading forth implementation technique. ATmega: The forth dictionary is in the flash memory, new words are compiled directly into flash. Since no (widely available) bootloader supports an API to write to flash, AmForth needs to replace it. MSP430 The Forth dictionary is in the flash memory, new words are compiled to flash. Use SAVE to keep the code accessible across reboots. AmForth is implemented in assembly and forth. The code is stable and well tested. The MSP430 variant is less tested however. It has less features as well. All words have ans94-draft6 (CORE and various extension word sets) and forth 2012 stack diagrams, but not necessarily the complete semantics. Some words from the standards are left out, ask for them if you need them. Development hardware are evaluation boards running various Amega's between 2 and 20 MHz with various external hardware: none, led, push-buttons, SD-card, ethernet controller, RF module etc. The MSP430 is tested with the Stellaris Launchpad MSP430G2553. Documentation can be found in the doc/ subdirectory and on the homepage Contact, bug reports, questions, wishes etc: