
script to easily invoke Karma in batch mode

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Node.js script to easily invoke Karma in batch mode.


You need to have Node.js installed. Then download karma-batch and execute the following command in the directory where you cloned this repository. You need to do this to download additional packages.

npm install date-format-lite sys exec-sync shred optimist request async cron time


Typical invocation: node karma-batch.js <spec-file> OR node karma-batch.js --cron <spec-file>

Type node karma-batch.js -h to see the available options.

Sample Specification File

You specify all the parameters to your batch processing in a JSON file. You should put all your input files in one directory and all your model files also in one directory.

You can optionally post the generated RDF files to a SPARQL endpoint.

	karmaHome : "/Users/szekely/Web-Karma/" ,
	modelsDir : "/Users/szekely/github/karma-tutorial/models" ,
	filesDir : "/Users/szekely/github/karma-tutorial/datasets" ,
	rdfDir : "/Users/szekely/github/karma-tutorial/rdf" ,
	endpoint : "http://localhost:8080/openrdf-sesame/repositories/karma_data" ,
	clearEndpoint : false ,
	filesAndModels : [
			file : "events.json" , model : "events-model.txt"
			file : "people.json" , model : "people-model.txt"
			file : "schedule.csv" , model : "schedule-model.txt"


  • The implementation of the functions to POST the generated RDF to a triple store is very naive as it loads the whole RDF file into memory.
    • A better implementation is welcome.
  • Error checking is rudimentary.
  • Does not show console output from RDF generation process. If something goes wrong you will not get a file, but will not get an error message.
    • I don't know how to capture the output of the child process. Please let me know if you know how to do this.