
Remote command execution script

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

image Remote-commander


Rcmdr is a script which runs a single command on multiple computers at the same time over ssh in parallel or one by one. With Zabbix intergration computer groups can be selected from the monitoring database.


  • mysql command line client
  • ssh client
  • zabbix (www.zabbix.com) database access


  • Put rcmdr script into /usr/local/bin
  • chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rcmdr
  • Create mysql user with these permissions:
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'rcmdr'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secretpassword'
GRANT SELECT ON 'zabbix'.'hosts_groups' TO 'rcmdr'@'%'
GRANT SELECT ON 'zabbix'.'hosts' TO 'rcmdr'@'%'
GRANT SELECT ON 'zabbix'.'groups' TO 'rcmdr'@'%'
  • Set up these variables
ZABBIX_HOST="" # Database host
ZABBIX_DB="zabbix" # Database name
ZABBIX_USER="rcmdr" # Database user name
ZABBIX_PW="" # Database user password


Usage: rcmdr --pool=WEB|DB... --host='host1[ host2 host3]' --excludepool=MEMCACHE... --excludehost='host1[ host2 host3]' --delay=sec [--parallel] [--parallelcount|--pcount] [--waitafterfirst|--waf] [--help] [--test] --command='hostname -f'

 --pool:              Destination target pool
                       Zabbix group like DB, WEB, etc.
 --host:              Destination hosts separated by spaces or commas
                       'app1.mydomain.com app2.mydomain.com'
 --excludepool:       Excluded destination pool
 --excludehost:       Excluded destination hosts separated by spaces or commas
                       'app1.mydomain.com app2.mydomain.com'
 --delay:             Delay between command execution on hosts
 --parallel:          Do the job in parallel on hosts
 --parallelcount:     Parallel execution concurrency if --parallel is set
 --pcount:            Short form of --parallelcount
 --waitafterfirst:    Pause after command execution on first host
 --waf:               Short form of --waitafterfirst
 --nocolor:           Do not color output messages
 --test:              Execute hostname -f and date
 --help:              This help screen
 --command:           Execute specified command
 --user:              Username for ssh connection (default: root)
 --silent:            Be less verbose. Start command execution immediately
 --jumphost:          Ssh jumphost. Connect destinaiton host via this host
 --jumphostuser:      Username for jumphost ssh connection
 example: rcmdr --pool=WEB --command='date'"


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


  • Freely distributable and licensed under the MIT license.
  • Copyright (c) 2014 Gabor Szelcsanyi
