Mini viewer application able to render volumes with ANARI. Dependencies are
- ANARI-SDK: (version 0.8.x, with
) - VTK (optional, support for unstructured volume files)
- HDF5 (optional, support for FLASH AMR)
anariVolumeViewer [{--help|-h}]
[{--verbose|-v}] [{--debug|-g}]
[{--library|-l} <ANARI library>]
[{--trace|-t} <directory>]
[{--dims|-d} <dimx dimy dimz>]
[{--type|-t} [{uint8|uint16|float32}]
Structured-regular volumes (RAW format):
In case of RAW volumes, the app tries to guess the correcct input dimensions and data format from the file name (can be overwritten via cmdline args)
AMR volumes (FLASH format):
Unstructured volumes:
- As exported from ParaView, data is obtained from the first field, which is required to be a scalar of type float or double
AMR and Unstructured volumes/spatial fields are realized as ANARI extensions, roughly follow the input format of OSPRay
Apache 2 (if not noted otherwise)