My systematised knowledge about docker.
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git clone --recursive
Image - everything needed to run container - the code/binary, runtimes, dependencies and other objects required. Container - running process isolated from host and other containers. Every container has its own filesystem. Build - Build image with proper context
- you can use inside contianer to connect with host machine
docker image ls
/docker images
list all images
docker container ls
/ docker ps
list all containers
show all containers as default shows only running containers
docker container rm
/ docker rm
- remove container(s)
allows to remove running containers
docker build
build image from Dockerfile
name image with optional tag (name:tag)
docker run
- Runs image as a container
publish containers traffic to the host (host:container)
run container in background
specify a name for container which you can refer to your container
docker stop <name>
- stopps running container