- You have to clone cardano-configurations somewhere and use an absolute path to it in your configuration
- You can set up a dev environment with cardano-node, ogmios, ogmios-datum-cache, kupo (optional) and ctl-server (optional) using the template below
- Use
nix develop
to spin up a shell, then usestart-node
to start the applications - Use
(hacky implementation) to create a docker container with postgres (required by ogmios-datum-cache) Note: docker is not included in the flake
inputs = {
cardano-dev-shell.url = "github:gege251/cardano-dev-shell";
nixpkgs.follows = "cardano-node/nixpkgs";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
# You have to set the cardanio-node and cardano-transaction-lib versions here
cardano-node.url = "github:input-output-hk/cardano-node?ref=1.35.4";
cardano-transaction-lib.url = "github:Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib/v4.0.2";
ogmios.follows = "cardano-transaction-lib/ogmios";
ogmios-datum-cache.follows = "cardano-transaction-lib/ogmios-datum-cache";
kupo.follows = "cardano-transaction-lib/kupo-nixos";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, cardano-node, flake-utils, cardano-transaction-lib, ogmios, ogmios-datum-cache, kupo, cardano-dev-shell }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
# You have to set a few variables for the environment
NETWORK = "preview"; # Network name (as it appears in the cardano-configurations repo)
TM = 2; # Testnet magic number
CONFIG_ROOT_DIR = "/Users/gergo/cardano-configurations"; # Absolute path to cardano-configurations
DATA_ROOT_DIR = "/Users/gergo/testnets/data"; # The chain data and other application data will be stored here
cardanoDevShell = cardano-dev-shell.devShell {
# Inherit all the required dependencies here
inherit system nixpkgs cardano-transaction-lib cardano-node ogmios ogmios-datum-cache kupo NETWORK TM CONFIG_ROOT_DIR DATA_ROOT_DIR;
{ devShell = pkgs.mkShell cardanoDevShell; }