Things I used when developing WebGL games.
NOTE: This is NOT another awesome-*
repo which contains a huge list of what ever they can. The list below are things I really used and evaluated during my development of WebGL games and libraries. It will not growing too fast and I'm trying to remove seldom used, out-of-date stuffs when there is a better alternative.
- Math
- Graphics
- API References
- Language
- Game Engine Source
- Misc
- API Wrapper
- Math
- vmath
- gl-matrix
- bit-twiddle
- Performance Discussion
- Conclusion: Hidden Classes + Inline Caching is much faster than Typed Array in both creating and indexing.
- vecmath#performance
- three.js#1703: Vertex to extend Vector3?
- cannon.js#8: Float32Array vs Vec3
- Efficient JavaScript Vector Math
- This slides is wrong about Typed Array indexing performance, actually the Vector object wins.
- Geometry
- Post Process
- Platform Support
- Shader Transpiling
- Misc
- Data Structure
- Resource Loader
- Event
- Input
- Animation
- Tween
- Particle
- Physics
- Scene Design
- Math
- Modeling
- Shading
- Procedural Texture
- Curve
- Timeline
- GamePlay
- Resource Parser
- Geometry
- Font
- Lighting
- Spector.js
- WebGL-Inspector
- glsl-numerify
- Devtools
- Mobile
- mermaid
- documentation.js
- Guideline