
Made by Team55 Advisor: Prof. Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh


To simulate the website, below are required:

  1. Java JDK 1.7 Can be downloaded from webite: Screenshot

  2. IntelliJ [Ultimate] Edition, which is cross platform IDEA and could be used in Windows, Mac, Linux system Can be acquired using student account and download at:

  3. JBoss Environment 7.1.1 Can be downloaded from website: jbossenvironment


With above preparation done, simulate the website with following steps:

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA, Click "Import Project". idea_00

  2. Choose the Project folder you've saved to, click "OK". below is the example location that I used. idea_01

  3. Choose Maven, click "next" idea_02

  4. Check the box in front of "Import Maven projects automatically" idea_03 idea_03a

  5. Click "next"


  6. Click the "+" bottom, choose "JDK" idea_05

  7. Choose the jdk 1.7 file folder you saved to. below is the example location of my jdk 1.7.0_80 idea_06

  8. Click "OK"


  9. Click "finish"


  10. On the top right corner, click the second icon, press "Edit Configurations" idea_09

  11. Click the "+" bottom, choose JBoss Server - Local. Note that if you are using Community version of IntelliJ, you won't have this option. So make sure you are using the Ultimate version. idea_10

    To Run MachineLearning, add VM Option in IntelliJ.

  12. In Build Config, click the highlighted icon, as shown:

  1. Copy and paste VM Option, click "OK"


now you should be able to run Machine Learning algorithm.
  1. This should be the window you see after previous step. Click "Deployment", and click the "+" bottom on the right, choose "Artifact..." idea_11 idea_12

  2. Choose "SeniorProject:war", click "OK"


  3. Click "OK" idea_14

  4. At the top right corner of the main window, click the left most icon to build your project. Then click the third bottom which looks like a green play bottom, and wait for just a sec IntelliJ should be opening your website for you automatically. Shown below is the opened demo version of our project. idea_15 idea_16

To run our Project in JBoss Environment, first we need to add 2 .jar files as lib in IntelliJ. Following below steps to set up lib.

  1. in IntelliJ top left corner, File - Project Structure lib00

  2. go to Libraries - click "+" - Java lib01

  3. Choose the Obfuscation .jar file, it's located in: {Project root location}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib Click "OK"


  1. Click "OK" to add this library as module


do the same for mysql-connector-java-5.1.40.jar, located at the same location.

  1. now it should be all done. Check Libraries we can see a new 3rd party lib "obfuscation" and "mysql-connector-java-5.1.40" are added


  1. Check Modules, a new "obfuscation" and jdbc module is added.


  1. Now we should be able to run the project in JBoss Environment. Click the run bottom, project will be built and IntelliJ will automatically open the website for us: Shown is the first page you will see using our website, it's a log-in windows. Authentication prevents use of website without login. Now create your account and start explore our project website!






The sample input file for our Machine Learning algorithm is located at: src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\lib

