
Some playing around with Xively and a Raspberry Pi

MIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains my playing with Xively.com and my home devices.

Current features

  • Loads up the 1 minute load average of my Raspberry Pi.
  • Checks which devices are online (who is at home) and feeds this to Xively.

Further plans

  • Modify the locator script to be more friendly with Xively and send information only when needed. (Don't sync up when online status don't change.)
  • Find if there is a more suitable method for detecting mobile devices. The current n-tries method seems to be far from being optimal.
  • Add a webserver to the source code that can be a target for Xively triggers and do some fancy stuff when someone comes home or leaves home.
  • Add the source code of my Arduino here. Sample usage idea: turn on the yellow LED when wife is at home and the red one when she isn't.