- 1
Extra large on cell phone
#792 opened by pgscannell - 4
- 5
- 5
We require the signature to not overflow and break, need a continuous signature, is it possible to give an option if we need a smooth signature or broken signature in case of overflow
#795 opened by digioAbhi - 3
toDataURL() export PNG correct,but svg is wrong
#784 opened by zhucm - 6
moblie button issue
#783 opened by myucel8108 - 5
Offset when second click
#791 opened by zyl54586 - 1
toDataURL("image/jpeg") can not work correctly
#790 opened by zyl54586 - 1
Fix broken link to ``
#781 opened by Skarvion - 0
- 1
- 2
Android app open Amap, can not get positioning, error information as follows, hope to get expert advice
#779 opened by yulili656 - 6
Can fromDataURL and erase be used together?
#775 opened by smalljop - 3
- 2
Loading fromDataUrl and fromData together?
#732 opened by tigrenok00 - 6
- 1
- 1
Include the willReadFrequently in getContext
#760 opened by stsrki - 6
Include `dist` (Compiled Resources) in Releases.
#759 opened by amjad1233 - 3
- 2
- 1
- 6
- 6
issues in latest Google Chrome 117
#734 opened by zhil - 4
Point groups with only 2 points are not drawn
#720 opened by MattL75 - 0
Pen highlight for drawing on images
#726 opened by mircerlancerous - 3
Console error "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation."
#731 opened by wslaghekke - 1
displaced drawing
#742 opened by Sirick93 - 1
- 2
- 4
- 4
Only Dots on Canvas
#718 opened by MarkusDeeken - 0
- 4
Detecting pen force
#704 opened by milengg - 7
Signature pad cursor issue on mac chrome.
#717 opened by k2Sachin - 2
Chrome 112.X.X for Android, destroy Signature Pad
#714 opened by lgeronimov - 2
- 2
Test demo in readme
#711 opened by FareedR - 2
- 5
- 17
missing circles with fast signing speed
#716 opened by opa-rudi - 5
Sometimes getting Partially/Fully Corrupted Images when using toDataUrl("image/jpeg")
#695 opened by Tarekajaj - 3
toSVG() function does not work
#707 opened by opa-rudi - 5
Problem with signature on mobile site
#692 opened by zaszekk - 1
- 0
#701 opened by geolectric - 7
Check if SignaturePad is on or off feature request.
#696 opened by nizans - 1
Flickering signature / missing parts
#697 opened by lanort - 1
in IE9 / IE10,when left button mouseup the drawing didn't stop, after I change the condition it is behave normal. But when I export image, the image shape is not correct
#694 opened by BODhaha - 1
Add `signaturePad.scale(x, y)`
#690 opened by plocket