A demonstration client project for AngularJS. It provides a view into work tickets for physical sites, grouped by project (type of work to be done). The projects available to a user is determined by authorization rules on the server.
The client demonstrates a mobile-friendly, single-page app. In addition to controllers and services, there are custom filters and a directive for a pie chart. The app is minimally styled, relying on Bootstrap UI for most elements. The nav bar and tab navigator are provided by angular-strap.
Currently, it runs against a local, .NET server that is not available publically.
The client was configured with Yeoman, including Bootstrap UI but excluding SASS. Additional resources required for client:
- angular-strap
- angular-resource
- ng-google-chart
To run server:
% grunt server (note: server not available for download)
To run unit tests:
% grunt test
Planned changes:
- integrate with phone gap
- creation of nodejs server with test data, deployed to something publically accessible (e.g. herokuapp)