
Serve CDN data out of an S3 bucket

Primary LanguageRust

s3-CDN - Serve CDN data out of an S3 bucket

Environment Variables

  • S3CDN__HOST: Host and port for the Minio server (e.g. http://minio:9000)
  • S3CDN__ACCESS_KEY_ID: The access key id required to authenticate with the Minio server
  • S3CDN__SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The secret access key required to authenticate with the Minio server
  • S3CDN__BUCKET: The bucket to serve data from
  • S3CDN__REGION: The region for the Minio server.
  • S3CDN__PORT: The port to listen to (defaults to 8080)


Usage: s3-cdn [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

server Start server
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-P, --port <PORT> Port S3-CDN should run on
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version