
Project tracker for Google Summer of Code 2019

Poor Man's Rekognition - Project Tracker

CCExtractor Development project under Google Summer of Code 2019


A free and Open Source alternative to Amazon Rekognition. View proposal

The project is divided into 3 parts-

1. Nodoface (Phase 1 : Jun 3 - Jun 24)
Nodejs bindings for Tadas OpenFace to bring all face detection and facial attribute prediction features into PMR

2. PMR-Core (Phase 2 : Jun 28 - July 22)
Will include

  • TensorflowJS implementation of ArcFace.
  • Integration of Nodoface and ArcFace TFJS model into a high level API in TypeScript.
  • Real-time video annotation using object tracking and PMR-Core for local execution.

3. PMR-web (Phase 3: July 26 - August 19)
A REST API for PMR-Core following Amazon Rekognition API design.

Complete timeline

Coding Period 1

Week 1 (May 27 - Jun 3) 6hr/d

  • Project Tracker
  • Environment setup with vcpkg (Compile OpenCV, Dlib, OpenFace)
  • NAPI practice
  • Select OpenFace classes and methods to be binded

Week 2 (Jun 3 - Jun 10) 6hr/d
Write bindings for:

  • Image I/O utilities
  • Video I/O utilities

Week 3 (Jun 10 - Jun 17) 8hr/d
Bindings for face detection models

  • YOLO and TinyYOLO models Dropped.
  • MTCNN model Additional models
  • Dlib HOG-based face detector
  • Haar cascades face detector

Week 4 (Jun 17 - Jun 24) 6hr/d
Bindings for facial attributes

  • Gender classification (Optional, dropped)
  • Age group prediction (Optional, dropped)
  • Eye-gaze estimation

Evalution (Jun 24 - Jun 28) 6hr/d

Coding Period 2

Week 1 (Jun 28 - July 5) 8hr/d

  • ArcFace implementation in TensorflowJS
  • Train and test on small dataset

Week 2 (Jul 5 - Jul 12) 8hr/d

  • Attempt to convert pretrained MXNET model to Tensorflow model
  • Training and testing scripts for large datasets

Week 3 (Jul 12 - Jul 19) 6hr/d

  • Nodoface and ArcFace integration
  • Implementation of SORT/DeepSORT (object tracking)

Week 4 (Jul 19 - Jul 22) 8hr/d

  • Video annotation with object tracking

Evaluation (Jul 22 - Jul 26) 6hr/d

Coding Period 3

Week 1 (Jul 26 - Aug 2) 6hr/d

  • Amazon rekognition Datatypes and Actions
  • LFW face embeddings database

Week 2 (Aug 2 - Aug 9) 6hr/d

  • REST API for face detection and verification on images
  • Support for fixed size video

Week 3 (Aug 9 - Aug 16) 8hr/d

  • Learn video streaming with sockets
  • Web service for streaming annotation

Week 4 (Aug 16 - Aug 19) 6hr/d

  • Manual tests and benchmarking
  • Prepare a release

Final Evaluation (Aug 19 - Aug 26) 6hr/d

  • Compile reports on CPU and GPU performance
  • Create and publish Docker image