Originally created by .Mitch and TC. Engine: Contains engine source files Interface: Directory used for WALI -> Lua and Lua -> WALI communication Logs: Directory used to output logs, from both WALI and Lua. Misc: Misc files, should be kept as they are reference in code comments (as "for example see ...") UI_final: Final version of all UI files in use UI_wips: Contains any WIP UI files. Also contains UI compilers/decompilers and a Lua compiler compatible with ETW/NTW Launcher_ETW.exe: Engine launcher, WALI can only start through this WALI.lua: WALI lua function library, contains all of WALI's Lua side functionality. To run WALI from lua (and attrition functionality) : WALI = require "WALI/WALI" WALI.InitialiseAttrition() WALI.pack: Contains a packed version of the UI files, needed for the scripting to run. Format shouldn't matter, is currently in mod format More Details: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?604949-W-A-L-I Spacial thanks to VadAntS for inspiration.