Stories in Ready Xcode-Singleton-Templates

These are templates of Singleton class and the TestCase. Code shown below is a part of testcase template which will pass.

    KO2Abc* a = [KO2Abc sharedInstance];
    KO2Abc* b = [[KO2Abc alloc] init];
    KO2Abc* c = [KO2Abc allocWithZone:nil];
    KO2Abc* d = [KO2Abc new];
    KO2Abc* e = [[KO2Abc alloc] copy];
    KO2Abc* f = [[KO2Abc alloc] mutableCopy];
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(a, b);
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(a, c);
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(a, d);
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(a, e);
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(a, f);


If you are using Alcatraz, it will be able to use in there.

If you aren't using Alcatraz, it is as follows.

  • git clone
  • cd Xcode-Singleton-Templates
  • ./


  • ./


  • When you create a new file, you can select singleton as follows.. ScreenShot

  • In case of the testcase template, you can select Test Library, which Kiwi or XCTest or SenTest. ScreenShot