
Helper functions for working with SRM and PowerCLI 5.5R2 and 5.8R1

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Helper functions for working with SRM and PowerCLI 5.5R2 or later. PowerShell 3.0 and above is required.

These are provided for illustrative/educational purposes.

Getting Started

Build or Download SRM-Cmdlets.zip



  • Build SRM-Cmdlets.zip file by checking out the project and running build.ps1 from the projects root directory. This will create the distributable zip file in the dist directory.

Deploy SRM-Cmdlets module

  • Take Srm-Cmdlets.zip and extract the contents into the powershell module path. See Microsoft's Installing Modules instructions for more details.

  • Open PowerCLI 5.5 R2 or 5.8 R1 prompt

  • Verify You are running with PowerShell v3 or later

  • Import the SRM-Cmdlets module

     Import-Module Meadowcroft.SRM

Connecting to SRM

Now let's connect to the SRM server. Details of how to do this are located in the PowerCLI 5.5 R2 User's Guide

$credential = Get-Credential
Connect-VIServer -Server vc-a.example.com -Credential $credential
Connect-SrmServer -Credential $credential -RemoteCredential $credential

At this point we've just been using the cmdlets provided by PowerCLI, the PowerCLI documentation also provides some examples of how to call the SRM API to perform various tasks. In the rest of this introduction we'll perform some of those tasks using the custom functions defined in this project.

Report the Protected Virtual Machines and Their Protection Groups

Goal: Create a simple report listing the VMs protected by SRM and the protection group they belong to.

Get-ProtectionGroup | %{
    $pg = $_
    Get-ProtectedVM -ProtectionGroup $pg } | %{
        $output = "" | select VmName, PgName
        $output.VmName = $_.Vm.Name
        $output.PgName = $pg.GetInfo().Name
    } | Format-Table @{Label="VM Name"; Expression={$_.VmName} },
                     @{Label="Protection group name"; Expression={$_.PgName}

Report the Last Recovery Plan Test

Goal: Create a simple report listing the state of the last test of a recovery plan

Get-RecoveryPlan | %{ $_ |
    Get-RecoveryPlanResult -RecoveryMode Test | select -First 1
} | Select Name, StartTime, RunMode, ResultState | Format-Table

Execute a Recovery Plan Test

Goal: for a specific recovery plan, execute a test failover. Note the "local" SRM server we are connected to should be the recovery site in order for this to be successful.

Get-RecoveryPlan -Name "Name of Plan" | Start-RecoveryPlan -RecoveryMode Test

Export the Detailed XML Report of the Last Recovery Plan Workflow

Goal: get the XML report of the last recovery plan execution for a specific recovery plan.

Get-RecoveryPlan -Name "Name of Plan" | Get-RecoveryPlanResult |
    select -First 1 | Export-RecoveryPlanResultAsXml

Protect a Replicated VM

Goal: Take a VM replicated using vSphere Replication or Array Based Replication, add it to an appropriate protection group and configure it for protection

$pg = Get-ProtectionGroup "Name of Protection Group"
Get-VM vm-01a | Protect-VM -ProtectionGroup $pg