
An IPC client for StumpWM

Primary LanguageC


A simple IPC server for StumpWM


This is a simple IPC server for StumpWM, with an accompanying C client. This was written mainly to make myself familiar with unix domain sockets; StumpWM already has an IPC method based upon X11 atoms.


The lisp server can be quickloaded, and the server started with the function #'simple-ipc-server:start-server. The client can be built by the usual ./autogen.sh ./configure make make install. After building, run swmipc --help for a list of options and their descriptions.


The swmipc executable can send commands to be executed as well as lisp forms to be evaluated. To evaluate lisp forms the variable simple-ipc-server:*allow-evaluation* must be T. There is also an interactive mode which reads input from the user and sends the appropriate request.

When reading commands from stdin every line is treated as a single command invocation.

During evaluation, standard output is bound to the socket stream, and printing to standard output will print back to swmipc.


$ swmipc -c echo-date "gnew mygroup"
Tue May 17 2022  7:18:05
$ swmipc -fi
swmipc> echo-windows
swmipc> echo ^1Hi
swmipc> ^D
$ swmipc -fi
swmipc> swmipc quit
$ cat forms.lisp | swmipc -e -
$ cat one-cmd-per-line.txt | swmipc -c "echo Running commands from file" -

Notification Script

An example notification script:

txt="^[^3NOTIFICATION:^] $@"
swmipc -fc "echo $txt"