is a jscodeshift transform for migrating theme-get
utility function when upgrading styled-system library to version v5.0.0
Get jscodeshift-theme-get-styled-system-v5 from npm:
$ npm install -g jscodeshift-theme-get-styled-system-v5
npx jscodeshift-theme-get-styled-system-v5 src/**/*.js
bin is calling internally jscodeshift and simply setting theme-get as a transformer. To see how to use jscodeshift cli, enter the command without any arguments:
$ npx jscodeshift-theme-get-styled-system-v5
If you have jscodeshift package installed (either locally or globally) you can pass theme-get as a transformer, after installing it:
npm i jscodeshift-theme-get-styled-system-v5 --no-save # dont modify package.json
npx jscodeshift -t node_modules/jscodeshift-theme-get-styled-system-v5/src/theme-get.ts src/**/*.js # -t is a path for transformer
You can pass recast options using --printOptions
and passing a JSON. Note: it's stil best idea to pass the jscodeshift result through code formatter like prettier.
npx jscodeshift-theme-get-styled-system-v5 src/**/*.js --printOptions={"wrapColumn":40,"quote":"double"}
You can pass jsodeshift options as well
npx jscodeshift-theme-get-styled-system-v5 --dry --parser=tsx src/**/*.{ts,tsx}
To migrate huge codebases quickly, you can try to use a dedicated search-tool (like ripgrep) and pass matching files:
rg 'themeGet' src/**/*.js -l | xargs jscodeshift-theme-get-styled-system-v5