
The official site of szulabs.

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status Current Version

The official site of szulabs.

Quick Start Guide

The Global Environment

  1. Install pyenv and pyenv-up by following the guides.
  2. Install Python 3.4.2 via pyenv: pyenv install 3.4.2
  3. Install Node.js and PostgreSQL via your system package management. (apt-get, yum, brew and more)
  4. Install the latest Honcho via pipsi: pipsi install http://git.io/ZLc33g
  5. Install the Gulp in global: npm install -g gulp

The Project Environment

  1. Fork and clone the project repository: git clone git@github.com:<yourname>/pastry.git
  2. Go into the project's directory: cd pastry
  3. Install the frontend dependencies: (pyenv shell system && npm install)
  4. Go into the [virtualenv][virtualenv]: pyenv up
  5. Install the backend dependencies: make install-deps

The Local Server for Development

  1. Edit your local environment variable file from the .env.example template: cp .env.example .env && vim .env
  2. Make sure you are in the virtualenv opening by pyenv up
  3. Prepare the database:
  • Create a empty PostgreSQL database: createdb pastry
  • Migrate to the latest schema: python manage.py migrate
  • Create your administrator account: python manage.py createsuperuser
  1. Run honcho start and access in your browser, and is a BrowserSync proxy server which can be more convenient in frontend development.

Feel free to ask in the #szulabs IRC channel on chat.freenode.net.