Hathora Topdown Shooter - Unity


Multiplayer 2D shooter demo made using Hathora + Unity

Assets from Kenney

Server and Phaser client available here



Getting Started

  1. Open Main Scene in the Unity Editor
  2. Locate the HathoraClient prefab in the object hierarchy (the text is blue in color)


  1. Paste your Hathora App ID in the field provided in the Inspector


  1. Launch to play

Interface to Hathora Client

The core loop of talking to the Hathora Client looks like this:

public class Game : MonoBehaviour {

    Hathora.Client hathoraClient;

    bool hasLoaded = false;
    bool hasQuit   = false;

    // ... other variables

    private async void Awake() {

        // Hathora Client will periodically call RenderContent
        // as long as the web socket connection is open
        await hathoraClient.Connect(RenderContent);

    private void RenderContent(string contentData) {
        if (!hasLoaded) {
            hasLoaded = true;

            // This is the first call from the Hathora Client
            // to RenderContent, so we can do any initializing
            // here that depends on data sent from the server
            // like drawing a map, etc.


        // Game has quit async, don't try to access any member variables
        // because they may not exist. Handle any cleanup in OnApplicationQuit
        if (hasQuit) {

        // This is the message sent periodically by the Hathora Client over the websocket
        // `ServerMessage` is a type defined for your game specifically
        ServerMessage message = JsonUtility.FromJson<ServerMessage>(contentData);
        if (message != null) {

            // Process the message here
            // You will probably be extracting the game state from the message
            // and redrawing your game's current view based on that updated state

    // A Unity hook that is invoked when the game quits
    private async void OnApplicationQuit() {
        hasQuit = true;

        // Close the websocket connection
        await hathoraClient.Disconnect();