
Streaming server for A9 wifi cameras

Primary LanguageC

This is a quick and dirty HTTP streaming server for the A9 wifi mini-camera.
It's based off the javascript code in https://github.com/datenstau/A9_PPPP.git
but rewritten in C with no external dependencies. I just couldn't stomach the
idea of installing node.s, npm, and all its associated horrors for such a
simple task.

The code in the A9_PPPP repo contains a more general purpose library that
lets you issue each of the commands the camera recognizes, retrieve audio
as well as video, etc. This program only retrieves the MJPG video stream,
suitable for feeding to `motion` for motion detection monitoring. If you need
those other features, you'll have to add them yourself or just use the
original A9_PPPP code.

To build:
	gcc -o pppp pppp.c

To run:

By default it listens for 1 HTTP connection on port 3000, and sends a UDP
packet to the broadcast address to try to find a camera. You can use the
options -b, -l, and -p to set the UDP target address, local address, and
local HTTP port, respectively. I use -b on my own LAN, or
just -b 192.168.1.xxx when I know the camera's address is xxx.

  -- hyc 2024-03-17  Happy St Patrick's Day