
This tool is used to connect to mysql or postgresql and insert data of customizable size

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This tool is used to connect to mysql or postgresql and insert data of customizable size

User Guide

insert mysql data

$ ./dbsail mysql -h -u root -p 123456 -s 10M
This tool is used to connect to mysql or postgresql and insert data of customizable size, power by wgh

 ____    ____     ____    ______  ______   __
/\  _`\ /\  _`\  /\  _`\ /\  _  \/\__  _\ /\ \
\ \ \/\ \ \ \L\ \\ \,\L\_\ \ \L\ \/_/\ \/ \ \ \
 \ \ \ \ \ \  _ <'\/_\__ \\ \  __ \ \ \ \  \ \ \  __
  \ \ \_\ \ \ \L\ \ /\ \L\ \ \ \/\ \ \_\ \__\ \ \L\ \
   \ \____/\ \____/ \ `\____\ \_\ \_\/\_____\\ \____/
    \/___/  \/___/   \/_____/\/_/\/_/\/_____/ \/___/

running dbsail mysql model

connect mysql success
create data base testdbbase
use data base testdbbase
create table test1

you will insert 10240 rows of data

Processing ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100%
finish insert 10240 rows data, usage time 00:00:03

insert postgresql data

$ ./dbsail pg -h -u test -p 123456 -s 10M
This tool is used to connect to mysql or postgresql and insert data of customizable size, power by wgh

 ____    ____     ____    ______  ______   __
/\  _`\ /\  _`\  /\  _`\ /\  _  \/\__  _\ /\ \
\ \ \/\ \ \ \L\ \\ \,\L\_\ \ \L\ \/_/\ \/ \ \ \
 \ \ \ \ \ \  _ <'\/_\__ \\ \  __ \ \ \ \  \ \ \  __
  \ \ \_\ \ \ \L\ \ /\ \L\ \ \ \/\ \ \_\ \__\ \ \L\ \
   \ \____/\ \____/ \ `\____\ \_\ \_\/\_____\\ \____/
    \/___/  \/___/   \/_____/\/_/\/_/\/_____/ \/___/

running dbsail postgresql model

connect postgresql success postgres
create data base testdbbase
connect postgresql success testdbbase
create table test1

you will insert 10240 rows of data

Processing ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100%
finish insert 10240 rows data, usage time 00:00:02

clean data

$ ./dbsail mysql clean -h -u test -p 123456
$ ./dbsail pg clean -h -u test -p 123456
This tool is used to connect to mysql or postgresql and insert data of customizable size, power by wgh

 ____    ____     ____    ______  ______   __
/\  _`\ /\  _`\  /\  _`\ /\  _  \/\__  _\ /\ \
\ \ \/\ \ \ \L\ \\ \,\L\_\ \ \L\ \/_/\ \/ \ \ \
 \ \ \ \ \ \  _ <'\/_\__ \\ \  __ \ \ \ \  \ \ \  __
  \ \ \_\ \ \ \L\ \ /\ \L\ \ \ \/\ \ \_\ \__\ \ \L\ \
   \ \____/\ \____/ \ `\____\ \_\ \_\/\_____\\ \____/
    \/___/  \/___/   \/_____/\/_/\/_/\/_____/ \/___/

connect postgresql success postgres
drop data base testdbbase


  • version: show version
  • pg: use postgresql model
  • mysql: use mysql model
  • clean: drop database

Common options

  • -help: Show dbsail's condensed help output.
  • -h/--host: database host address
  • -u/--user: database user account
  • -P/--port: database port
  • -P/--password: database user passport
  • -b/--batch: the number of rows inserted into the database at a time, e.g.: 10
  • -c/--count: the total number of rows inserted into the database, e.g.: 1000
  • -s/--size: total size of inserts into the database, e.g.:1K,1M,1G defalut:10M
  • -d/--database: select the database to insert, e.g.:testdbbase