
a low-contrast Vim color scheme based on Seoul Colors

Primary LanguageVimL

"  _____             _ ___ ___ ___      "
" |   __|___ ___ _ _| |_  |  _|  _|     "
" |__   | -_| . | | | |  _|_  | . |     "
" |_____|___|___|___|_|___|___|___|.vim "


seoul256.vim is a low-contrast Vim color scheme based on Seoul Colors. Works on 256-color terminal or on GVim.



seoul256 (light version)



Use your favorite plugin manager.

  • Pathogen
    • git clone https://github.com/junegunn/seoul256.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/seoul256.vim
  • Vundle
    1. Add Bundle 'junegunn/seoul256.vim' to .vimrc
    2. Run :BundleInstall
  • NeoBundle
    1. Add NeoBundle 'junegunn/seoul256.vim' to .vimrc
    2. Run :NeoBundleInstall
  • vim-plug
    1. Add Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim' to .vimrc
      • If you do not wish to have t_Co set to 256, use no-t_co branch
      • Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim', 'no-t_co'
    2. Run :PlugInstall

Color schemes

" Unified color scheme (default: dark)
colo seoul256

" Light color scheme
colo seoul256-light

" Switch
set background=dark
set background=light

Change background color

" seoul256 (dark):
"   Range:   233 (darkest) ~ 239 (lightest)
"   Default: 237
let g:seoul256_background = 236
colo seoul256

" seoul256 (light):
"   Range:   252 (darkest) ~ 256 (lightest)
"   Default: 253
let g:seoul256_background = 256
colo seoul256

If g:seoul256_background is set, seoul256 will choose the right version based on the value and set background=dark/light will not switch versions.

However, seoul256-light will choose the light one regardless of the value. If the value doesn't fall within the allowed range of light background, the default 253 will be chosen as the background color.

iTerm2 color scheme

Check out seoul256-iTerm2 by Mikkel Malmberg.


Junegunn Choi
