szy-kenn's Following
- AstheriaAkuma
- ceezeyPhilippines
- CShikina
- DavidBatoDev
- DLJocsonObando, Bulacan
- ejdgm
- elieuePolytechnic University of the Philippines
- franskeiser
- Gelly-Tr33s
- gwy-anmarie
- ilhye
- ishietakeSan Jose del Monte City, Bulacan
- Jaashiiin
- Jayson056Member of AWS/GDSC - PUP MNL
- JJCayabyab
- kadakareer
- KylaAgapito
- KyneLagguiManila, Philippines
- kyrariii
- kyyyc08
- Lemon1903Polytechnic University of the Philippines
- lezzthanthree
- MarcLawrenceKing
- marrietty
- perbik
- pyto-p
- r-curio
- Ramondroid
- renchan16
- sbstntmprlManila, Philippines
- shunbuk
- smebmeb
- specialgrade
- STEREO-bit
- syn-vitaPhilippines