
Slackware hardening script

Primary LanguageShell


This is a script to harden your Linux installation.


Why I made this

  • Bastille is obsolete
  • Not a member of CIS, so no downloading of the ready made scripts
  • For learning
  • For minimizing the effort needed to tweak fresh installations
    • Also for consistency

What does it do?


  • Enables TCP wrappers
  • Creates legal banners
  • Disable core dumps in /etc/security/limits.conf
  • sysctl settings hardening
  • Hardens mount options (creates /etc/fstab.new)
    • Also, mount /proc with hidepid=2
  • Disables the use of certain kernel modules via modprobe
  • Configures shells
    • Creates an option to use restricted shell (rbash)
      • Also sets it as default for new users
    • Restricts the number of available shells (/etc/shells)
  • Configures basic auditing based on stig.rules if audit is installed
    • NOTE: non-PAM systems (namely Slackware) don't set the loginuid properly, so some of the rules don't work when they have -F auid!=4294967295
  • Enables system accounting (sysstat)
    • Sets it's log retention to 99999 days (the logs are really small, so it doesn't eat up disk space)
  • Configures password policies
    • Maximum age for password
    • Minimum age for password
    • Password warn age
    • Does this for existing users also
    • Note: password strength should be enforced with applicable PAM module (such as pam_passwdqc or pam_pwquality)
  • Reduce the amount of trusted CAs
    • Doesn't work in CentOS/RHEL
  • Create a strict securetty
  • Sets default umask to a more stricter 077
  • Sets console session timeout via $TMOUT (Bash)
  • PAM:
    • Configures /etc/security/namespace.conf
    • Configures /etc/security/access.conf
    • Configures /etc/security/pwquality.conf if available
    • Require pam_wheel in /etc/pam.d/su
    • Creates a secure /etc/pam.d/other
  • Disables unnecessary systemd services
  • Configures sshd_config
  • Display managers:
    • Disables user lists in GDM3 & LightDM
    • Disables guest sessions in LightDM

User accounts

  • Configures failure limits (faillog)
  • Creates /etc/ftpusers
  • Restricts the use of cron and at
  • Properly locks down system accounts (0 - SYS_UID_MAX && !root)
    • Lock the user's password
    • Sets shell to nologin
    • Expire the account
    • Adds the accounts to /etc/ftpusers
  • Sets strict permissions to users home directories
  • Configures the default password inactivity period

Debian specific

  • Enables AppArmor
  • Sets the authorized_default to USB devices via rc.local
  • APT:
    • Configures APT not to install suggested packages
    • Configure SUITE in debsecan (if installed)


  • Creates bunch of pam-configs that are toggleable with pam-auth-update:
    • Deter brute-force attacks with pam_tally2
    • Polyinstantiated temp directories with pam_namespace
    • /etc/security/access.conf access control with pam_access
    • /etc/security/time.conf access control with pam_time
    • Delay on authentication failure with pam_faildelay
    • Set file mode creation mask with pam_umask
    • Enable lastlogging from all login methods (not just the console login)
    • Limit password reuse with pam_pwhistory
  • Disallow empty passwords by removing nullok

CentOS/RHEL specific

  • PAM configuration with authconfig:
    • Enables pam_faillock
    • Configures pwquality

Slackware specific


Additional features

  • SSH moduli creation
  • Some hardening steps utilize Lynis to verify themselves (to be improved/extended over time)


The import_pgp_keys() function imports a bunch of PGP keys to your trustedkeys.gpg keyring, so you can verify downloaded files/packages with gpgv. The keys that are imported are listed in the PGP_URLS[] and PGP_KEYS[] arrays.


  • Rebooting the system after running this is highly recommended, since many startup scripts are modified
  • The script is quite verbose, so you might want to record it with script
  • It is best to run this script on a fresh installation for best results

Other security software


I think it's justified and recommended to run an antivirus software on all of your Linux servers. This is because, even though the server's role would not be something like a file sharing server or a mail server, a proper antivirus is able to detect much more than these "traditional" malwares. I'm talking about rootkits, exploits, PHP shells and the like. Something that a malicious user might be holding at their home dirs or maybe some PHP shell was dropped through a vulnerable web application. If you would get an early warning from an antivirus software, it just might save you on that one occasion :)

So consider getting ClamAV.

Post-hardening checklist

After running the hardening script, the following actions still need to be performed manually:

  • Set LILO/GRUB password
    • Update LILO/GRUB with lilo || update-grub
  • Install at least the following additional software:
    • audit (and run harden.sh -S afterwards)
    • Aide
    • ClamAV
    • arpwatch
    • rngd (if you have HRNG)
  • Make sure NTP is running
  • Configure remote log host
  • Add legit users to:
    • /etc/porttime
    • To the users group


Hardening guides

Some of these documents are quite old, but most of the stuff still applies.

Other docs