
😌 A modern language compiled to Bash

Primary LanguageRust

😌 Sane Shell

A modern language compiled to Bash

read!(`-p "N = " N`)

let a = 0
let b = 1
let i = 0

while (i < N) {
    let temp = b
    b = a + b
    a = temp

    i = i + 1

print("fibb($N) = $a") 

💬 Introduction


📖 Syntax


You can specify single line comments using # like in shell.

# This is a comment


To declare a variable use let keyword followed by an identifier.
The name needs to be alphanumerical with underscores but needs to start with a letter.

let a = 0
let b = a + 3



if (a > 5) {
    # This is a comment



let i = 0
if (i < 5) {
    i = i+1

🚧 For 🚧

for 0..10 {
    # Do something

# or

for i in 0..10 {
    # Do something with i

# or

for x in arr {
    # Do something with x

Functions and commands

Builtin functions

# Print output to screen
print("Hello from Sash!")
# Create an archive 'archive.tar.gz' from files 'file.txt' and 'another.jpg'
compress("file.txt", "another.jpg", "archive.tar.gz")
# Decompress an archive file 'archive.tar.gz'


You can invoke any process by following its name with !.

echo!("Hello using standard echo!")
tar!("-caf", "file.txt", "another.jpg", "archive.tar.gz")
tar!("-xf", "archive.tar.gz")

🚧 Custom functions 🚧

You can define functions just like you can in Bash. The difference is that you have to specify the parameters.

function pretty_print(msg) {
    print(green("log:"), $msg)

pretty_print("Hello from Sash!")

⚖️ License