
Easy to do, cheap and accurate. DIY Soldering Station

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Soldering station T12

station view 1 station view 2


  • Ramp-up Time: 5 seconds to achieve 200°C
  • Measurement Accuracy: up to ±5%
  • Power: 75W
  • Instability (Consistency) of Set Temperature: ±0.2°C
  • Temperature Range: 0 – 500°C (from room temperature)
  • Number of ADC Samples: 250
  • Measurement Time / Percentage of Measurement Duration (Heating Off): 1.4ms / 1.4% (or 0.9ms / 0.9% for temperatures >150°C)
  • PWM Frequency / Measurement Frequency: 50Hz / 10Hz
  • Other: (futures below)


  • T12 Tips Compatibile
  • IPS Display
    • Current and Set Temperature in °C
    • Power Output Bar Indicator
    • Settings (PID and GUI)
  • Rotary Encoder
  • Touch Button (stop/start heating)
  • Heating LED
  • Switch 230VAC
  • Front Panel - PCB made
  • Connector GX16 (easy tips replacement)

Software Features:

  • Efficient Temperature Setting - PID Controller
  • Memory - Eeprom
  • Autosleep (todo)




Software requirments

stlink, kicad (optional)


It's required debuger for flash STM32. STLINK-V2 clone is fine.

st-flash --reset write soldering-*.bin 0x08000000

If you have error then it's probably stm32 clone. It's ok. Blue-Pill boards have clons often. Check st-info --chipid. For clones "chipid" is 0 instead 0x0410 or similar. Try to flash with my config file.

st-flash -c doc/BP_clone.cfg --reset write soldering-*.bin 0x08000000

Assembly Guide

  1. First take a look at overall BOM below. Next check PCB BOM online or as file in PCB/{version}/bom/ibom.html. (I suggest to dowload the repo this point)

    Part Description Photo
    PCB components All important components from PCB BOM
    Housing Gainta G762
    Power Supply 24V 24V/3A or more current (e.g. 24V/4A)
    Power Supply 5V 5V/100mA or more current
    MCU Blue Pill board
    Display ST7735 SPI 160x80 0.96" module oled
    Encoder Rotary Encoder module encoder
    Soldering Iron Socket GX16-5 Socket
    Front Panel PCB front panel (project in repo folder)
    Knob Knob for encoder
    AC Switch SPDT
    Other components LED or duoLED 3mm, 2x 1nF THT

    Make sure u have all what you need to DIY. Good to check all parts works berore u start assembly

  2. If u making PCB by own, remember to:

    • Protect copper by e.g. Rosin
    • Solder wires from "F.cu" layer (may be before drilling, except two connections) Tekst zastępczy

    If u order PCB, remember u can also order PCB-front-board together

  3. Soldering SMD (after drilling) - BOM online or PCB/*/bom/ can help

  4. Soldering THT

  5. Mount 24V power supply to device housing and make separation between PCB (Plan this housing from mountings things inside)

  6. Make power wires from overall schematic for: Switch, Power suplies, AC connector (Isolate 230V wires and connections)

  7. Make wires and solder from overall schematic (for: Display, Encoder, etc) and add 2x 1nF to Encoder module if there is no capacitors

  8. Isolate and Mount (glue) 5V power supply

  9. Connect all together, burn binary and check that's working

  10. Glue OLED while device works (it would be easier to nice match) to (if u have) PCB-front-board.

  11. Let's put everything together now

Additional assembly tips

  • Be careful with AC Power

  • required tools:

    • some working soldering iron (it's funny, but not ironically)
    • some glue (e.g. hotglue or b7000)
    • drilling machine, drills: ~3mm, 0,7mm, 0,9mm (look at kicad brd)
    • tweezer
    • (optional) crimping tool for Dupont Connectors
  • good to use:

    • 2.54mm angle pin header + Dupont female Connectors
  • Front Panel

    U have to order PCB or drill by CNC. Alternativly try to print 'cut edges' on paper and cut housing plastic plate by knife / drill. The G762 housing have bit soft plastic (maybe ABS) - front/back plates.


PCB preview PCB after soldering

Check the Pictures/ folder! :)

Imagined Concept:

What I decide to leave at concept phase:

  • 907 tips compatibility
  • tips recognizing
  • measurement of thermocouple cold junction thermistor
  • optional li-ion power


Feel free to open Pull Request or some Issue

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