PyTorch dataset extended with map, cache etc. ( like)
- 1
- 1
Apparent mismatch between official pip version `0.2.0` and GitHub tagged version of `0.2.0`
#31 opened by JacobARose - 6
metaclass conflict
#20 opened by eugene123tw - 2
TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases
#29 opened by Koushik0901 - 2
Metaclass issue with Python 3.7/3.8
#27 opened by henrique - 0
Document gotcha when using DataLoader with workers
#26 opened by w-m - 0
- 2
- 2
load N samples in memory (queue) and train on it on GPU. In the meanwhile, load another N samples into queue
#22 opened by shawnthu - 1
Support stratified subsampler
#23 opened by trenta3 - 0
#19 opened by NguyenVanThanhHust - 1
Concatenate datasets with different map function
#18 opened by bearpaw - 2
- 1
HDF5 Support
#15 opened by bearpaw - 3
pip install doesn't work in Google Colab
#12 opened by iamshnoo - 2
support for pytorch 1.3.0
#9 opened by faroit