
Official Repository for CVPR 2022 paper "REX: Reasoning-aware and Grounded Explanation"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

REX: Reasoning-aware and Grounded Explanation

This code implements the Reasoning-aware and Grounded EXplanation (REX) framework. It consists of:

  • a new GQA-REX dataset with 1,040,830 multi-modal explanations for visual reasoning, and a functional program for automatically constructing the explanations based on reasoning process
  • a novel explanation generation method that explicitly maps visual grounding results to explanations


If you use our code or data, please cite our paper:

author = {Chen, Shi and Zhao, Qi},
title = {REX: Reasoning-aware and Grounded Explanation},
booktitle = {CVPR},
year = {2022}


We adopt VisualBert implemented in the Transformers library as the backbone visual reasoning model. We use the bottom-up features provided in this repository. Please refer to these links for further README information.


  1. Requirements for Pytorch. We use Pytorch 1.9.0 in our experiments.
  2. Requirements for Tensorflow. We only use the tensorboard for visualization.
  3. Requirements for Transformers
  4. Requirements for COCO Caption Evaluation, please clone the repo to ROOT/model, where ROOT is the root directory of our project, and install the corresponding dependencies.


  1. Download our GQA-REX dataset. The file includes both the raw explanations and converted explanations for model training. The explanations correspond to balanced questions in the GQA dataset. We also provide the explanations for all 14M GQA training questions.
  2. Download the GQA Dataset.
  3. Download the GQA-OOD Dataset
  4. Download the bottom-up features and unzip it.
  5. Extracting features from the raw tsv files (Important: You need to run the code with Python 2):
python2 ./preprocessing/extract_tsv.py --input $TSV_FILE --output $FEATURE_DIR

Constructing Explanations from Scratch

We also provide our functional program for constructing the explanations from scratch:

  1. Generate our atomic operations abstracted from GQA annotations:
cd ./pre_processing
python process_semantics_exp.py --question $GQA_ROOT/question --mapping ./data --save ./data
  1. Generate raw explanations:
python exp_generator.py --question $GQA_ROOT/ --data ./data --save ./data
python post_processing.py --question $GQA_ROOT/ --data ./data --save ./data
  1. Converting the raw explanations for modeling
python convert_explanation --question $GQA_ROOT/ --data ./data --bbox $FEATURE_DIR/box --save ./data
python finalize_exp.py --data ./data --save $EXP_DIR

Explanation Generation Experiments

We provide the code for experimenting with our explanation generation method under two different settings, including multi-task learning and transfer learning. Before training with our method, you need to first generate the dictionary for questions, answers, and explanations:

cd ./model
python generate_dictionary --question $GQA_ROOT/question --exp $EXP_DIR --save ./processed_data

For the multi-task learning experiments, the training process can be called as:

python main.py --mode train --anno_dir $GQA_ROOT/question --ood_dir $OOD_ROOT/data --sg_dir $GQA_ROOT/scene_graph --lang_dir ./processed_data --img_dir $FEATURE_DIR/features --bbox_dir $FEATURE_DIR/box --checkpoint_dir $CHECKPOINT --use_structure 1

To evaluate on the GQA-testdev set or generating submission file for online evaluation on the test-standard set, call:

python main.py --mode $MODE --anno_dir $GQA_ROOT/question --ood_dir $OOD_ROOT/data --lang_dir ./processed_data --img_dir $FEATURE_DIR/features --weights $CHECKPOINT/model_best.pth --use_structure 1

and set $MODE to eval or submission accordingly.

For the transfer learning experiment, you will first train the model on explanation generation alone:

python main_transfer.py --mode train --anno_dir $GQA_ROOT/question --sg_dir $GQA_ROOT/scene_graph --lang_dir ./processed_data --img_dir $FEATURE_DIR/features --bbox_dir $FEATURE_DIR/box --checkpoint_dir $CHECKPOINT_EXP --use_structure 1 anno_type exp

Before training the model on the subsets for both question answering and explanation generation, you need to first create the question files for the subsets:

python create_subset.py --question $GQA_ROOT/question

After that, you can start training with a specific percentage ($PERCENTAGE, e.g., 1, 5, 10) of annotations:

python main_transfer.py --mode train --anno_dir $GQA_ROOT/question --ood_dir $OOD_ROOT/data --sg_dir $GQA_ROOT/scene_graph --lang_dir ./processed_data --img_dir $FEATURE_DIR/features --bbox_dir $FEATURE_DIR/box --checkpoint_dir $CHECKPOINT_VQA --use_structure 1 anno_type vqa --percentage $PERCENTAGE --epoch 15

For evaluation on the test set:

python main_transfer.py --mode test --anno_dir $GQA_ROOT/question --ood_dir $OOD_ROOT/data --lang_dir ./processed_data --img_dir $FEATURE_DIR/features --weights $CHECKPOINT_VQA/model_best.pth --use_structure 1