
Primary LanguageJavaScript


To use this project for development, first clone the repo from GitHub, then run:

cd mbgl_FFOS/
sudo npm install -g cordova ionic gulp
npm install
gulp install
cordova platform add firefoxos
ionic build firefoxos


Testing the app on my desktop can be done using the app manager, which can be installed from https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/labs/fxos-simulator/ If you want to run on a device, also install the ADB helper.

In about:app-manager, select "Add Packaged App" and choose platforms/firefoxos/www/ as app location. To run the app in the simulator, choose "Run Simulator". Otherwise connect to your FFOS device, which needs to have ADB debugging enabled.

Having a running simulator or connected device, next to the "Update" button you will find a "Debug" button, which launches the app in debug mode.