This is a little chrome extension which disables XScreensaver while youtube is in full-screen mode. It uses a native messaging host, so some additional manual installation is necesarry.
- Get the extension from github or clone this repo and load as an unpacked extension (Google requires 5$ payment to publish on chrome store)
- Download de.t_animal.ytnoscreensaver.json to .config/chromium/NativeMessagingHosts/ (or .config/chrome/... if using chrome)
- Download xscreensaver-keep-alive-ping and put its path into the json downloaded previously
Here is an example script which does these steps, to help you get started (Change to your needs, don't just copy this!):
#select whether you have chrome or chromium
mkdir -p ~/bin
curl $extensionURL > /tmp/youtube-noscreensaver.crx
curl $hostURL > ~/.config/$browser/NativeMessagingHosts/de.t_animal.ytnoscreensaver.json
curl $nativeURL > ~/bin/xscreensaver-keep-alive-ping
$browser /tmp/youtube-noscreensaver.crx
echo "The browser should just have opened and ask you to install the extension. It might have warned you that it's unsafe."
echo "If you have doubts, check the sources and install as an unpacked extension :)"
cmod +x ~/bin/xscreensaver-keep-alive-ping
sed -i s,/path/to/script/,~/bin/, ~/.config/$browser/NativeMessagingHosts/de.t_animal.ytnoscreensaver.json