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Ploomber: Developing Maintainable and Reproducible Data Pipelines Interactively From Jupyter, VSCode, and PyCharm
Facilitators: Eduardo Blancas and Ido Michael
Please follow the setup instructions before the workshop. If you have any issues, send us a message on Slack
- Ensure you have a GitHub account
- Fork this repository (click on fork in the upper right button)
Clone your fork:
# clone the repo (change for your username)
git clone{your-username}/scipy-2022
cd scipy-2022
If using conda:
# create virtual env
conda create --name ploomber-workshop python=3.9 --yes
# activate env
conda activate ploomber-workshop
# install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
If using pip
# create virtual env
python -m venv ploomber-workshop
# activate it (if using windows, see note below)
source ploomber-workshop/bin/activate
# install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: If using Windows, the command to activate the environment is different, click here and scroll down, you'll find a table with the command to run depending on your system.
To simplify setup, we're offering a hosted JupyterLab.
Register here. Then, access JupyterLab here.
Once JupyterLab starts, clone your forked repository:
# clone the repo (change for your username)
git clone{your-username}/scipy-2022
cd scipy-2022
To check your setup, run (it may take a few seconds):
If everything is good, you'll see the following message:
Everything is working correctly!
If you have any issues setting up, send us a message on our community's #ask-anything
See the