Deploy Node JS Application with Mongo DB

Azure App Service is a platform as a service that provides a platfrom to easily deploy applications of different stack. In this task I deployed a Node JS application to Azure App Service and created a Cosmo DB Server for the database credentials. Below are the steps I took

  • The github repository I deployed is

  • Create a Resource Group in US East to add resources resource-group

  • Create An Azure Cosmos DB and note the credentaials for authenticaiton which are the Cosmos Account Name, Cosmos Primary password and Connection URL MongoDb

  • Create a Web APP in the resource group and skip the Database Fields. AppService

  • Created a virtaul Network and Subnet in the Resource Group during the creation of the Web App Service

  • Enabled Continous Deployment and Linked my github account to App service

  • I choose the Basic Service Plan (B1) serviceplan

  • The deployed link is

deployed Url