
A real-time operating system for Patmos

Primary LanguageC


An ARINC653 real-time operating system for the Patmos processor.


The examples directory contains three sample applications running on ospat:

  • arinc653-1event-O1: consists of a single partition made of 2 periodic and 2 sporadic threads synchronizing on an ARINC event
  • arinc653-1part: consists of a single partition made of 2 periodic threads
  • arinc653-2parts: consists of a 2 partitions each made of 2 periodic threads
  • arinc653-3parts: consists of a 3 partitions of 1 periodic thread
  • arinc653-4parts: consists of a 4 partitions of 1 periodic thread


Examples can be build using the build.sh script from the project's root directory:

sh build.sh {EXAMPLE}

Where {EXAMPLE} is the example's name (arinc653-1event-O1, arinc653-1part, arinc653-2parts, arinc653-3parts, arinc653-4parts)


After building an example {EXAMPLE} with build.sh a directory will be created in the project's root named build-{EXAMPLE}. Assuming that patmos simulator (pasim) and emulator (patmos-emulator) are in the path, the compiled application can be run with either:

pasim build-{EXAMPLE}/kernel.elf


patmos-emulator build-{EXAMPLE}/kernel.elf