
This is a (work in progress) pet project to learn Golang, its concurrency model and Gokit, a Golang microservice framework. The Vue frontend visualizes current sunnyness of a region in a Heatmap. For this, it queries the backend for a point grid of the current displyed rectangular region. The backend then queries a public weather api for all of the requested points in parallel, does some bilinear interpolation and returns the interpolated grid of points to the frontend. Currently sunnyness = inverse of cloud cover (a value provided in the weatherapi.com response).

Primary LanguageGo

A Place in the Sun

This is a (work in progress) pet project to learn Golang, its concurrency model and Gokit, a Golang microservice framework. The Vue frontend visualizes current sunnyness of a region in a Heatmap. For this, it queries the backend for a point grid of the current displyed rectangular region. The backend then queries a public weather api for all of the requested points in parallel, does some bilinear interpolation and returns the interpolated grid of points to the frontend. Currently sunnyness = inverse of cloud cover (a value provided in the weatherapi.com response).


  • parameter finetuning of heatmap and point grid granularity
  • parameter externalization for frontend
  • docker-compose
  • big one: realworld Kubernetes deployment on GCP



  • standalone: cd backend && ./start.sh
  • docker:
    • docker build -t sunnyness/backend .
    • docker run --name c_sunnyness_backend --env-file ./.env.local -p 8083:8083 --rm sunnyness/backend
  • a launch.json for VS Code is included
  • didn't get everything around modules so far, sometimes export GO111MODULE="auto" helps (running app/tests in combination with IDE etc...)

Generate mocks

  • install mockgen: go install github.com/golang/mock/mockgen@v1.6.0
  • mockgen is then installed to your GOPATH, i.e. most often $HOME/go
  • THEREFORE: make sure to add your GOPATH to your PATH so that mockgen is runnable the following command can run:
  • Generate mocks (from within ./backend): go generate ./...


  • So far, tests are mostly only used to help with fiddling during implementation. However, the codebase provides mock support through github.com/golang/mock/gomock and github.com/golang/mock/mockgen (see Generate Mocks below) and the test suite can be easily enhanced into a functional test suite
  • run all tests from cli (from within ./backend/test): go test -v ./...
  • run single test from cli: go test -v -timeout 30s -run ^TestReader$ backend/test

Debug in VSCode

  • launch "Launch go backend" configuration (found in launch.json)


  • at some point I had to run go get github.com/go-kit/kit/circuitbreaker@v0.12.0. go mod tidy|download would not do the trick.



  • standalone
    • npm install
    • npm run serve
  • docker
    • docker build -t sunnyness/frontend .
    • docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --rm --name c_sunnyness_frontend sunnyness/frontend

Debug in VSCode

  • npm run serve
  • launch "Launch Chrome against localhost" configuration (found in launch.json)