
Access Log Viewer using DC.js

Primary LanguagePython

Access Log Viewer

Access Log Viewer using dc.js . Thanks to dc.js, each chart itself can be used as a UI for filtering, and other charts do transition with animation. Also, simple log parser script for default access log format in nginx ("combined" format) is included.

Note that this is just a toy project as a practice of dc.js.


These python libraries are needed:

  • NumPy
  • Pandas

If you are not familier with python, Anaconda distribution is my recommendation. Numpy and Pandas are included in this distribution.


At first, please prepare a access log file of nginx, and save it to a place you like. Then, run the parser script to convert CSV file.

$ python scripts/parse.py <path to access log file> -o data/log.csv

Next, run the convert.py to extract necessary information.

$ python scripts/convert.py data/log.csv -o html/data --days 90

Then, csv files used for visualization are saved under html/data directory. Please open html/index.html file in web browser.

Screen Shot


Copyright(c) 2017 Toshinori Hanya
Released under the MIT License