
Istio Auth Gateway is a Helm Chart that integrates Istio and Keycloak to perform OIDC-based user authentication.

Primary LanguageSmartyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Istio Auth Gateway

Version: 0.1.0 Type: application AppVersion: 1.16.0

Istio Auth Gateway is a Helm Chart that integrates Istio and Keycloak to perform OIDC-based user authentication transparently.

This is a kind of authentication gateway using Istio that allows you to grant user authentication features to client applications that do not have them.


Getting started

To deploy Istio Auth Gateway with the auto-generated Realm and Client, do the below.

# Add repository
helm repo add istio-auth-gateway https://t-ide.github.io/istio-auth-gateway

# If you had already added this repo earlier, run the follow command to retrieve the latest chart.
helm repo update

# Install the istio-auth-gateway chart
helm install my-release --install --wait istio-auth-gateway/istio-auth-gateway \
    --set endpoint.namespace="istio-system" \
    --set keycloak.namespace="keycloak" \
    --set endpoint.frontendUrl="https://istio.example.com" \
    --set keycloak.frontendUrl="https://keycloak.example.com:8443" \
    --set endpoint.labels.app="my-sample-app"

The parameters mean the below(See Values for the details).

  • endpoint.namespace is the Namespace where an endpoint(istio-proxy) is deployed. keycloak.namespace is for Keycloak Operator
  • endpoint.frontendUrl is the URL to access endpoint(istio-proxy) with a browser. keycloak.frontendUrl is for Keycloak
  • endpoint.labels are the labels set for the endpoint(istio-proxy) Pod.

After deployment, access endpoint.frontendUrl(https://istio.example.com) in your browser and you will be redirected to the Keycloak login page.

Enter sample in username and password and you can access the client application.


Figure of architecture and resources deployed in the chart

Istio Auth Gateway forwards user requests to the endpoint to the gateway using an EnvoyFilter.


To be provided in the future.

  • Set multiple users to log in
  • Gateway redundancy
  • Sample client application
  • Istio Ingress Gateway as an endpoint
  • Gateway for Open Policy Agent version

Installation details

Change parameters

Each parameter can also be applied using a file. For details, please refer to [values.yaml](. /values.yaml).

cat <<EOF > myValues.yaml
  namespace: istio-system
  frontendUrl: "https://istio.example.com"
    app: "my-sample-app"
  namespace: keycloak
  frontendUrl: "https://keycloak.example.com:8443"
        name: "john"
        password: "passw0rd"
helm install my-release istio-auth-gateway/istio-auth-gateway -n keycloak -f ./myValues.yaml

Use your own Realm and Client

If you are using an existing Realm and Client, turn off the generating feature and specify a Secret resource with CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET in keycloak.client.secret. In this case, Keycloak Operator is not required.

# Create secret
kubectl create secret generic myclient --namespace keycloak \
    --from-literal=CLIENT_ID=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID> \

# Deploy istio-auth-gateway
cat <<EOF > myValues.yaml
  namespace: istio-system
  frontendUrl: "https://istio.example.com"
    app: "my-sample-app"
  namespace: keycloak
  frontendUrl: "https://keycloak.example.com:8443"
      create: false
    secret: "myclient"
      create: false
helm install my-release istio-auth-gateway/istio-auth-gateway -n keycloak -f ./myValues.yaml


You can uninstall components of istio-auth-gateway installed above.

helm ls
helm delete my-release

If you have deployed a Secret of CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET, delete it as well.

kubectl delete secret myclient --namespace keycloak


Key Type Default Description
global.clusterDomain string "cluster.local" Domain name of the Kubernetes cluster
endpoint.namespace string "default" Namespace where the target istio-proxy is located
endpoint.labels object {"app":"istio-authgateway"} Labels of istio-proxy
endpoint.frontendUrl string "https://app.example.com" Externally published istio-proxy URL; used for OIDC redirects
endpoint.timeout string "5s" Waiting time for authentication process at gateway
keycloak.namespace string "keycloak" Namespace where Keycloak CR is located
keycloak.frontendUrl string "https://keycloak.example.com" Externally published Keycloak URL; used for OIDC redirects
keycloak.realm.name string "gateway" Name of a realm to which a KeycloakClient is tied.
keycloak.realm.sample.create bool true Generating a KeycloakRealm CR as a sample
keycloak.realm.sample.keycloakLabels object {"app":"keycloak"} Labels of the Keycloak CR that will create the Realm
keycloak.realm.sample.user.create bool true Generating a KeycloakUser CR as a sample
keycloak.realm.sample.user.name string "sample" Sample user name for login
keycloak.realm.sample.user.password string "sample" Sample user password for login
keycloak.client.secret string "" Secret resource includes CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET. This is usually created by a Keycloak Operator, but you can also use your own secret. This Secret must be in the same Namespace as the Istio Auth Gateway. If keycloak.client.sample.create is true, the field is ignored
keycloak.client.sample.create bool true Specifies whether a sample KeycloakClient is created
keycloak.client.sample.name string "gateway" Name of a KeycloakRealm CR to which a KeycloakClient is tied.
keycloak.client.sample.realmLabels object {"app":"auth-gateway"} Labels of the KeycloakRealm CR that will create the Client. If you generate a sample realm, this field is ignored.
gateway.type string "oauth2-proxy" Types of tools to be used as an authorization gateway. Currently only oauth2-proxy
gateway.oauth2Proxy.cookie.name string "auth-gateway" Cookie name of login session. you should add a cookie prefix (__Host- or__Secure-) if gateway.oauth2Proxy.cookie.secure is true
gateway.oauth2Proxy.cookie.sameSite string "strict" SameSite attribute "strict" or "lax" or none"
gateway.oauth2Proxy.cookie.refresh string "1m" Refresh duration of the cookie. 0 to disable
gateway.oauth2Proxy.cookie.expire string "2m" Expire duration of the cookie. It cannot be disabled
gateway.oauth2Proxy.cookie.secure bool false Set secure cookie flag
gateway.oauth2Proxy.emailDomains string "*" Email domains of permitted users. Multiple domains can be specified separated by commas, such as "foo.com,bar.net". "*" allows any domain.
gateway.oauth2Proxy.sslInsecureSkipVerify bool false Skip verification of https certificates. If using a self-signed certificate, set true
gateway.oauth2Proxy.xAuthRequest bool true Propagate user info(email, username) to the client application
gateway.oauth2Proxy.logging.auth bool true Specifies whether to output the log when a user authenticates
gateway.oauth2Proxy.logging.request bool true Specifies whether to output request logs
gateway.oauth2Proxy.logging.healthCheck bool false Specifies whether to output request logs of health check
gateway.oauth2Proxy.extraEnvVars list [] Extra environment variables to add to oauth2-proxy. Please see values.yaml and Oauth2 Proxy for details.
gateway.oauth2Proxy.image.repository string "quay.io/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy" Container image repository of OAuth2 Proxy
gateway.oauth2Proxy.image.tag string "v7.3.0" Container image tag of OAuth2 Proxy (immutable tags are recommended)
gateway.oauth2Proxy.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Container image pull policy of OAuth2 Proxy
gateway.oauth2Proxy.imagePullSecrets list [] Container image pull secrets of OAuth2 Proxy
gateway.oauth2Proxy.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type of OAuth2 Proxy "ClusterIP" or "NodePort" or "LoadBalancer"
gateway.oauth2Proxy.service.port int 4180 Service and Target port of OAuth2 Proxy
gateway.oauth2Proxy.service.nodePort int 34180 Node port of OAuth2 Proxy. This only applies when service.type is "NodePort"
gateway.resources object {} Resource requests and limits for the gateway deployment. Please see values.yaml for details.
gateway.podAnnotations object {} Annotations for the gateway deployment.
gateway.podSecurityContext object {} SecurityContext for the all containers in gateway pod. Please see values.yaml for details.
gateway.securityContext object {} SecurityContext for the gateway container. Please see values.yaml for details.
gateway.nodeSelector object {} Node labels for the gateway deployment
gateway.tolerations list [] Tolerations for the gateway deployment
gateway.affinity object {} Affinities for the gateway deployment
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.name string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template


Please feel free to submit Issues and Pull Requests.


Copyright 2022 Istio Auth Gateway Authors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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